History of TOEFL
History records, of the United States have experienced an event they call The Great Depression. During the decade 1920 - 1930, America's economy rocked by the State - European countries are boycotting peroduk - products for the Americas. While Europe is a strategic partner the United States. No responsibility - the responsibility, that period also gave birth to the man who they claim to be the father of the world economy (Adam Smith). The American economy recovered to enter the second world war so that America can win the second world war. Generation after generation of the second world war became prosperous in America. Generation is called the Baby Boomers generation. They are called the Baby Boomer generation aged around 45 to 70 years at this time. Among them are: Bill Clinton, George Bush Jr., Madonna, Hillary Clinton and Clint Eastwood.
At that time, the spirit of American imperialism is still growing, but seeing the damage caused by war, they finally reorder strategy to widen the powers of the State. Many Americans who argue that to implement the "colonization", it was not necessary to use force again, but done from behind the desk. One of the new colonial model of American products is this TOEFL. Therefore, the TOEFL diakronimkan in the Indonesian language with English language proficiency test as a "foreign language" is not a second language, or first language.
Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) test is a standard by which English-language ability of non-native speakers evaluated. Tests required by most colleges and some employers to make sure students and staff capable of handling the linguistic challenges of cultural immersion. This test was designed by the Center for Applied Linguistics and administered by Educational Testing Service.
Background TOEFL
Based in Washington, DC, Center for Applied Linguistics (CAL) is a nonprofit organization committed to researching the relationship between language and culture Founded in 1959, the first director was Charles A. 1921-1998 Ferguson, who has been given a similar program in the Middle East and taught as a professor at Harvard University. Ferguson guided the center to develop practical solutions to apply language and literacy concerns of international and national government. One of Ferguson's initial project is to develop tests that will measure the command language that ESL (English-as-a-Second-Language) students and government employees. Ferguson and fellow researchers developed applied linguistics TOEFL test during the first five years, CAL. In 1964, the first official TOEFL test taken at the center. Development Since the late 1960s, the TOEFL test has been administered by the Educational Testing Service (ETS), an organization of international testing standards. This test is used to measure proficiency (proficiency) English speaking person in the academic context. Thus, this test is used for academic purposes, such as admission requirements for admission or scholarship recipients.
TOEFL test was first introduced by the ETS is the Paper Based Test (PBT) - TOEFL and the most commonly known by the Indonesian community is the Institutional Testing Program (ITP) - TOEFL with scale values 310-677. However, in many places, especially in Indonesia manjamur institutions offering TOEFL test-LIKE / EQUIVALENT at reasonable cost, where the problems incurred test is the TOEFL test questions are copied from various sources. Institutions such as these, of course not a formal institution recognized by the ETS, so that certificates issued doubt the validity and credibility, especially to the Foreign Affairs. Therefore, then ETS developed the TOEFL Test system into Computer Based Test (CBT) - TOEFL. Where direct test questions displayed on the computer screen and immediately worked on the computer. Now, ETS has renewed the TOEFL Test with Next Generation (NG) - TOEFL or also called Internet Based Test (iBT) - TOEFL. In contrast to the PBT and CBT - TOEFL, ETS speaking skill enter into NG-TOEFL test format and structure skills meld into all skills tested, namely Reading, Listening, Speaking and Writing. Problems NG-TOEFL test be downloaded directly from ETS, New Jersey, so the way the process any online or connected indirectly with the ETS through the Internet.
Pendapat saya tentang toefl adalah test bahasa Inggris yang diciptakan dan dikembangkan oleh ETS (Educational Testing Service) di New Jersey, Test ini digunakan untuk mengukur kecakapan berbahasa Inggris seseorang dalam konteks akademis. Dengan demikian, test ini digunakan untuk tujuan akademis, seperti persyaratan penerimaan mahasiswa atau untuk penerimaan calon penerima beasiswa. TOEFL juga merupakan standardisasi kemampuan bahasa inggris seseorang secara tertulis (de jure) yang meliputi empat aspek penguasaan : membaca, mendengar, menulis dan berbicara.